It’s time for Seen Through Horses 2025! We’re looking for passionate fundraising ambassadors to support Red Horse. If you are interested or have questions, please email to get started. Here’s a few key ideas to summarize the plan and some links to get your started.
- All funds raised by Red Horse Fundraising Ambassador Buddies (FABs) will go directly to Red Horse Programs. *minus a few fees.
- FABs (That’s you) will create their individual fundraising profile page that lives on the Red Horse Team page.
- These fundraising profiles are on Raisely, a platform used by our coordinating host, Horses for Mental Health for this campaign.
- By signing up to fundraise, we’re asking you to reach out to your networks of supportive friends and coworkers and invite them to support your/our cause.
- There are training calls hosted by Horses for Mental Health and we’ll have a couple of our own, that can get you up to speed on the method, the topic and anything else you need.

When you're ready to create your profile, which is the last step of signing up, and the first step of fundraising Click the button below. Once on our team page, click "Join Team" just below our profile image. Here, you'll enter your information, profile image and your fundraising story. We have tips to help make this compelling, and you can edit away anytime you like, so if you're not ready with all the polish, you can still get yourself signed up and ready to go.